Experienced Diabetic Foot Care in Scarborough, North York and the GTA with 2 Convenient Locations
If you have diabetes, it is vital to see your podiatrist on a regular basis. Diabetic foot problems pose serious health concerns and are a common cause of hospitalization for diabetic patients. As a diabetic, you may be more prone to serious effects from common foot disorders such as ingrown nails, fungal nails, corns, calluses, blisters, ulcers, and plantar warts.
We offer care and treatment for diabetic foot problems, including regularly scheduled nail trimming, treatment of corns and calluses, and care for diabetic ulcers.
Diabetic Nerve Damage and Poor Circulation
Diabetes can decrease blood circulation to your feet, causing numbness and a tingling sensation. This lack of feeling in your feet, combined with inefficient blood flow, can cause even a small blister to develop into a serious infection in as little as a few days.
Depending on the severity of your diabetic blisters, treatment may include antibiotics, hospitalization, or even amputation of the toe or entire foot.
Diabetic Neuropathy, a peripheral nerve disorder, can also cause a false sense of burning or painful sensations in your feet.
Prevention Techniques
Diabetes can be extremely dangerous for your feet and your overall health, so take precautions. Avoid serious problems by following proper prevention techniques, an integral part of our comprehensive diabetic care.
Contact us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.